Depression Therapy
with Omni Layne Counseling, PLLC
3740 Colony Dr #122, San Antonio, TX 78230, United States
Located in Colonies North Professional BLD

Depression has been dubbed “the grey drizzle of dread” by author William Styron. The mood illness may appear out of nowhere, or it may follow a defeat or personal loss, resulting in persistent emotions of despair, worthlessness, hopelessness, helplessness, pessimism, or guilt. Depression also has an impact on focus, motivation, and other areas of daily functioning.
Depression is the largest cause of disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. More than 300 million people of all ages worldwide are affected by the condition. And the disorder’s prevalence is rising everywhere. Americans are preoccupied with happiness, but they are becoming progressively depressed: Around 15 million Americans suffer with the condition, with a growing percentage of them being young individuals.
Depression manifests itself in a variety of ways, ranging from serious depression to dysthymia and seasonal affective disorder. Bipolar disorder is also characterized by depressive periods.
Depression is a complicated disorder that affects numerous body systems, including the immune system, as either a cause or an effect. It interferes with appetite and interrupts sleep; in some situations, it produces weight loss; in others, it contributes to weight gain. Anxiety is frequently associated with depression. According to research, the two disorders not only co-occur but also overlap in vulnerability patterns.
Depression has been difficult to fully comprehend due to its complexities. There is emerging evidence that depression is an essential defense tactic of the body, a kind of shutdown or immobilization in response to danger or defeat, that is supposed to preserve your energy and help you live.
Researchers have some evidence that depression susceptibility is related to food, both directly (because to a lack of nutrients like omega-3 fats) and indirectly (due to the diversity of bacteria that inhabit the gut). However, depression affects both the mood and the mind as well as the body, and it creates agony for both those who suffer from the condition and those who care for them. Depression is also becoming more common in children.
Depression is highly treatable, even in the most severe cases. The illness is frequently cyclical, and early treatment may help to prevent or delay recurring bouts. Many studies demonstrate that cognitive behavioral therapy, which tackles harmful thought processes with or without the use of antidepressant medicines, is the most effective treatment. Furthermore, evidence is rapidly accumulating that regular mindfulness meditation, alone or in combination with cognitive therapy, can prevent depression from occurring by decreasing reactivity to distressing experiences, effectively enabling disengagement of attention from the repetitive negative thoughts that frequently set the downward spiral of mood in motion.
Not everyone who is sad exhibits all of the symptoms. Some people have only a few symptoms, while others have numerous. The degree of symptoms varies between people and over time.
Depression is characterized by chronic sadness, anxiety, or an empty feeling; emotions of hopelessness or pessimism; and feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness. It might also include a loss of interest or pleasure in previously cherished hobbies and activities, such as sex. Reduced energy, exhaustion, or a sense of being “slowed down” are also prevalent, as are agitation, irritation, and difficulties concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. Many people who suffer from depression have suicidal or suicidal thoughts.
People suffering from depression may have sleep abnormalities (insomnia, early morning wakeup, or oversleeping) as well as changes in eating habits (appetite changes, weight loss or gain). Headaches, stomach problems, and chronic pain are examples of persistent physical symptoms.
Depression has no single known cause. It is most likely the outcome of a mix of genetic, biochemical, environmental, and psychological variables. Trauma, the loss of a loved one, a challenging relationship, or any stressful scenario that overwhelms the ability to manage can all start a depressive episode. Subsequent depressive episodes might happen with or without a clear trigger.
However, depression is not an unavoidable result of adversity in one’s life. According to research, it is only when such occurrences set in motion excessive rumination and negative thought patterns, particularly about oneself, that mood begins to decline.
According to research using brain-imaging technology such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the brains of persons who experience depression seem different than those who do not. Parts of the brain responsible for controlling emotion, thinking, sleep, food, and behavior appear to be malfunctioning. It is unclear which changes in the brain are the cause of depression and which are the result of depression.
Some varieties of depression run in families, implying that there is some hereditary susceptibility to the condition.
Even in the most severe forms, depression is a relatively treatable condition. As with many illnesses, the sooner treatment begins, the more effective it can be and the more likely recurrence can be avoided.
Appropriate treatment for depression begins with a doctor’s assessment. Certain drugs, as well as certain medical illnesses such as viral infections or thyroid disorders, can create symptoms similar to depression and should be ruled out. The doctor should inquire about the patient’s usage of alcohol and drugs, as well as his or her views on death or suicide.
Once identified, a person suffering from depression can be treated in a variety of ways. Medication and psychotherapy are the most commonly used treatments. Many studies suggest that cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, either alone or in combination with medication therapy, is extremely successful.
Psychotherapy tackles the thought patterns that lead to depression, and studies demonstrate that it helps to prevent recurrence. Drug therapy is frequently useful in alleviating symptoms such as severe anxiety, allowing people to engage in meaningful psychotherapy.
Depression need active treatment because the condition can have long-term impacts on brain function, increasing the likelihood of new episodes. The longer a depression episode lasts, the more likely a subsequent episode will occur.
However, there are numerous ways to treat depression, and some of the most successful, particularly in situations of mild to moderate condition, do not involve a prescription or any form of medical intervention.
Depression can be compared to a cave, and getting out of it takes time and effort. However, it is achievable, generally through learning new ways of thinking and acting. Nutrition also has a role.
Mental pain has a negative impact on your health: People who are depressed are three times more likely to have a cardiac attack. Depression, in fact, affects the entire body. It lowers the immune system, making people more susceptible to viral infections and, in the long run, possibly some types of cancer—a compelling justification for early treatment. It also disrupts sleep, exacerbating feelings of lethargy, exacerbating problems with focus and concentration, and generally compromising health.
Depression is associated with an increased risk of diabetes and osteoporosis. Depression can also present as a prolonged low mood, a disorder known as dysthymia, which is characterized by years of low energy, low self-esteem, and little ability to experience pleasure.
Everyone has a bad day every now and then. Clinical depression, on the other hand, is a more pervasive sensation of negative rumination, a dreary perspective, and a lack of energy. It is not an indication of personal weakness, nor is it a condition that can be wished away or willed away. People suffering from depression cannot just “bring themselves together” to recover.
It doesn’t help that modern existence comes with increasing pressures. There is a concentration on early childhood accomplishment over free play, a societal movement away from direct social interaction in favor of technology connectivity, and a focus on material prosperity over meaningful experiences and social touch. Everyone has a role to perform.
However, there is some evidence that, as unpleasant as depression is, it may serve a constructive purpose by forcing those who suffer to focus on problems in order to solve them. Some researchers believe that despair can assist jolt a person into much-needed self-awareness.
What most people mean when they talk about depression is unipolar depression—an unremitting state of sadness, apathy, hopelessness, and loss of energy. It is also called major depression.
Depressive episodes also occur in bipolar disorder, a condition marked by periods of depression interspersed with periods of high-energy mania. People swing between the two poles of mood states, sometimes over the course of days, and sometimes over years, often with stable periods in between.
The birth of a baby can trigger mood swings or crying spells in the days or weeks that follow, the so-called baby blues. When the reaction is more severe and prolonged, it is considered postpartum depression, a condition requiring treatment because it can interfere with a parent’s ability to care for their newborn.
Depression can also occur seasonally, primarily in the winter months when sunlight is in short supply. Known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, it is often ameliorated by daily exposure to specific types of artificial light.
Depression wreaks havoc on biology, causing a slew of symptoms ranging from sleep disruption and an inability to enjoy pleasure to a lack of desire and feelings of guilt. Because of its complexities, as well as the disorder’s significant contribution to human misery, the biology of depression is a prominent focus of continuing research.
Overexcitability of the stress response system, changes in the activity of various neurochemicals in the brain, decreased efficiency of nerve circuitry and nerve generation, disturbances in energy use in nerve cells, the intrusion of inflammatory substances in the brain, and disruptions in the brain’s 24-hour (circadian) clock—all of these factors play a role in the onset or progression of depression and influence the type and severity of symptoms.
The majority of suicides are associated with some sort of psychiatric disorder, primarily depression, and the severity of the depression increases the risk. Nonetheless, the vast majority of people suffering from major depression do not die by their own hand.
According to studies, approximately 5% of depressed people may have suicidal ideation. Only a small number of them deliberately plan to terminate their lives.
Talking about wanting to die is the most obvious warning sign of suicidal ideation. And the easiest way to find out if there is a risk of suicide is to inquire.
Depression and other mental health issues are increasingly impacting the young, especially preschoolers. Depression, particularly in children, necessitates aggressive treatment since it can interfere with normal development.
Depression can manifest in children in the same way as it does in adults, manifesting as melancholy, lethargy, and disinterest. However, it presents as irritation, especially in children. At times, it emerges as rage and outbursts.
There are numerous causes of childhood depression. It could be a reaction to bullying. There is substantial evidence that social media plays a role in young people’s depression. Another factor could be the reduction of free play, a traditional outlet for children’s problems and a tremendous source of pleasure.
What is the next step?
If you or someone you love is considering individual therapy or counseling, please contact Omni Layne Counseling. We are a team of professionals who have expertise to help.
Call us at our office to schedule an appointment with one of our highly skilled clinicians at Omni Layne Counseling, PLLC.