Hills and Dales is a San Antonio neighborhood. Hills and Dales is largely made up of medium residences that are fairly priced. This community was founded in 1965 and has grown steadily since then.
In Hills & Dales, you can enjoy the wonderful outdoors.
Playscapes, a kiddie area, picnic tables, and a baseball pitch are all available in our parks.
Hills And Dales Livability is the 219th most livable neighborhood in San Antonio and the 336th most livable neighborhood in Texas.
Ranks higher than 72 percent of the time.
Hills And Dales has a per capita income that is 32% greater than the national average.
Hills And Dales has a median household income that is 111% more than the national average.
The median wages of men are 41% higher than those of women.
Hills And Dales has a 61 percent lower unemployment rate than the national average.
Hills And Dales has the same level of poverty as the rest of the country.
The next neighborhood in San Antonio, TX: St. Mary’s Gateway District
Omni Layne Counseling, PLLC
3740 Colony Dr #122, San Antonio, TX 78230, United States
Located in Colonies North Professional BLD
Call: 1 (210) 818-1707